Published Date: August 20, 2021
Effective Wellness Programs in Asia

Mental health is becoming a popular issue in the Philippines, and becoming even more so due to the pandemic. A wellness program is crucial!

Mental health is becoming a popular issue in the Philippines, and becoming even more so due to the pandemic. Last year we took a step forward with their expansion of the mental health act. This decision has been welcomed by experts who say that it will “help promote national health.”

With a number of employees feeling more disengaged, finding it hard to integrate life and work, and spiking attrition rates in their companies, it’s not surprising that employers are eager to find solutions to help them balance and/or integrate work and life.  Programs designed to address mental illness have shown time and again to boost productivity and make employees healthier on all levels, allowing people greater opportunity for success both at home and outside of the workplace.

Investing into employee well-being programs has been proven to work very favorably for organizations, such as providing hirable perks to attract talent, increasing engagement, lowering attrition and number of sick leaves, and increasing productivity. Younger employees especially appreciate companies committed to health and transparency when it comes to these issues because they want everyone who walks in, no matter what state of mind, to have a chance at successful employment and growth.

For example, Sprout tackles its Wellness program in the workplace by focusing on five key factors:

Awareness and Learning

brown fountain pen on notebook

While it’s great to just offer your employees services related to Employee Wellness Policies, nothing beats genuine human connection; employees, now more than ever, want to feel like they’re being heard. Regular checkups, weekly tips and reminders, and monthly awareness webinars help foster this environment.

Group Wellness Activities

woman in white tank top and pink leggings doing yoga

No man is an island; especially with the increased feelings of loneliness and isolation due to the pandemic’s restrictions, it’s more important than ever to interact with others. Yoga studios, for example, got creative and were able to translate yoga and meditation sessions into a remote setup; Sprout offers these quality activities affordably, and, most importantly, from the safety of their homes without sacrificing the spirit of togetherness and well-being that these classes cultivate.

Expert Consultations

two women sitting beside table and talking

As HR practitioners know all too well, your workforce is not just numbers on a spreadsheet, but human beings with lives, hopes, goals, and yes, challenges as well. It was this pressing need that made sure that our wellness program includes one-on-one counselling services with certified psychotherapists. These are readily available to help employee anxieties about exposing their need for seeking help.


graphs of performance analytics on a laptop screen

There is no way to know if what you are doing works without having a way to track it, and this is especially true in mid-to-large organizations. If there’s anything the modern workplace values, it’s visible improvement backed by analytics. With that in mind, a great Wellness Program should be measurable in order for workplaces to see the effects firsthand.

Company Involvement

man standing in front of group of men

At the end of the day, the most important thing we want to let our employees know is that they are not alone. Times have been undeniably tough, and now, more than ever, people need ways to decompress and relax to feel a sense of normalcy.

More than just compliance, Sprout developed Wellness to show employees that their employers are willing to invest in their well-being; it is the least that we can do for the work that they do for our organizations every day.

Do you want to know more about having an effective wellness program for your company? We’ve got you covered! Visit here and start implementing a wellness program for your organization today!

Atty. Arlene de Castro

Chief People & Customer Officer

Atty. Arlene De Castro, Chief People & Customer Officer at Sprout, is an ISO 27001 Certified Lead Auditor and a TUV Rheinland Certified Data Protection Officer. With 13 years of legal experience and a Green Belt Six Sigma Certification, she specializes in labor, civil, and commercial law.

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