How Johnsonville’s International
Expansion was Supported by Sprout
Customer Success Stories
In 1945, Ralph F. and Alice Stayer opened a butcher shop and named it after their quaint hometown – Johnsonville, Wisconsin. Today, Johnsonville is headquartered in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, with their products now available all over America and in more than 45 countries, including China, Philippines, Singapore, Korea, Japan, Mexico, and Canada.
Johnsonville was facing these issues
Establishing a local presence through joint ventures
Managing cultural dynamics
Analyzing the needs of their workforce remotely
Johnsonville and Sprout worked together to:
Run an anonymized survey to assess engagement and give a voice to their employees
Uncover sensitive, pressing workplace concerns
Fully deliver and maintain HR and payroll data reports from overseas
Work on cross-functional learning and establish better relationships within the company
Why Johnsonville Chose Sprout
“One of the things that we’re continuing to look at is how to optimize the current facilities and equipment that we have. If you automate some of of these processes, you can take talented individuals, great company members, and redeploy them into new innovations you were coming up with. Growth becomes part of this equation; we need all the good people we can get, so let’s get rid of the mundane jobs and get them into things that are really value adding.”
Michael Suprick
CEO for Johnsonville, LLC
CEO for Johnsonville, LLC