Navigating Wage Distortion &
Salary Benchmarking
- September 22, 2023 | Friday
- 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Atty. Faye Marie Martinez-Sabate | National Wages and
Productivity Commission - Atty. Jay-Ryan Trinidad | Sprout Solutions
- Raphael Enriquez | Sprout Solutions
Navigating Wage Distortion &
Salary Benchmarking
- September 22, 2023 | Friday
- 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
- Atty. Faye Marie Martinez-Sabate | National Wages and Productivity Commission
- Atty. Jay-Ryan Trinidad | Sprout Solutions
- Raphael Enriquez | Sprout Solutions
Empowering Your Compensation Strategy
Boost Productivity and Encourage Retention
Are you unfamiliar with wage distortion and how it could be affecting your organization? When left unaddressed, it can have a significant impact on morale and productivity.
Wage distortion happens when a minimum wage increase reduces the wage gap between different employee groups. Despite its goal of helping lower-earning employees, it sometimes widens the gap between minimum wage workers and their counterparts.
Correcting wage distortions isn’t just an ethical choice—it’s an investment in your organization’s growth. Salary benchmarking is a dynamic tool that can help you align your compensation structure with industry standards and regional trends.
Elevate Your HR Practice By Correcting Wage Distortions
Join us on September 22, 2023, to explore wage distortion and the transformative power of salary benchmarking.
This unique opportunity will help you adjust and align your compensation strategy for success!
Atty. Faye Marie Martinez-Sabate
Chief Labor and Employment Officer
National Wages and Productivity Commission
Atty. Jay-Ryan Trinidad
Director for Legal & Compliance
Sprout Solutions
Raphael Enriquez
Head of Data Science
Sprout Solutions
Learn about wage distortion and its potential impact
Obtain actionable strategies to address wage distortions, ensuring fair compensation for all employees
Understand the importance of salary benchmarking as a strategic tool to evaluate, address, and prevent wage disputes